Friday, January 14, 2011

The 2nd Annual SF Beer Week Beer Run is on!

I could wax philosophically about the egalitarian nature of both the sport of running and the beverage of beer. Or elucidate how a beer run fits into the California cultural ethic of work hard, play hard. But if I did, I'd probably start putting you all to sleep. So instead, I'll simply invite you to the 2nd Annual SF Beer Week Beer Run this February 13th at 11 am in front of Social Kitchen and Brewery that I'm organizing with fellow beer runners Brian Yaeger and Bryan Kolesar, as part of SF Beer Week. I'm also grateful Rich Higgins of Social Kitchen and Brewery agreed to participate, but his arm probably didn't need to be twisted very hard to support an event that would involve several thirsty people stopping on his doorstep before before noon. But he did agree to take a buck off our beers. You can find more details here.

Hope to see you there, and to help us figure out how many people will show up, please leave a comment to this post if you plan to be there.


  1. I plan to run this event and I've let the runners in the San Francisco Road Runners Club that I run with know about the event.

  2. 90% sure I'll be there, depending on scheduling for later commitments.

  3. Will be bringing about 6 people with me.... cheers!

  4. On Day 13 of my 11-day-cold. Didn't stop me from going on a run. Taking Bryan's suggestion, maybe I'll be sweeper!

  5. I will do the run! Sounds like fun.

  6. I'll be there with some run club and soccer friends...

  7. I will be the sweeper!

  8. Sounds like fun - I'm coming and bringing 2 friends.

  9. Sounds fun! Add two more to the run!

  10. My girlfriend and I will be running this race! Thanks for organizing it.

  11. Beer and running -- how could I not be there?

    I'm signed up for the 3:30pm Beer Judging class in the East Bay, but I assume we'll be done with this event by 1 or so (an hour for running and an hour for beer)...

  12. Mathew "Snowball 37" LomasFebruary 8, 2011 at 11:02 AM

    This sounds fun! I shall try and get more of the San Francisco Hash House Harriers to join as well!

  13. It's V-day weekend, but I'm 90% in!!!

  14. I plan on coming!!! Sounds like a blast!

  15. I will be there with my +1.

  16. I'll be there with some of my Team in Training friends also! Maybe around 10 people. GO TEAM!

  17. I wouldn't miss it!

  18. 3 of us from reno will be there, but we've got big plans for Saturday, so 5 miles may seem like a marathon...
    Looking forward to it, though. We've never been to the Social Kitchen or Magnolia!!

  19. my boyfriend and i will be there

  20. SF Fun Run will be there with 15 members!

  21. I'm running and bringing 2 friends

  22. going with a plus one

  23. Me and my plus one.

  24. Beer + runnig does it get any beter?!

  25. Sounds fun, going to try and make it out!

  26. I'll be there! Wasn't sure I'd make it to SF in time, but I rolled in late last night and I could use a good beer.

  27. 2 more beer-loving runners on our way!

  28. Sounds like fun. 2 more runners...
